O2CM Officials Information Management

Click Here for Notes on Uncontested Scoring (Selected Events)

O2CM provides alternative scoring for uncontested and proficiency/Assessed marking.
If the event offers this type of scoring, all judges should "Be on the same page"
This method is not perfect in any way, allowing subjectivity in your scoring.
But by following the guidlines, uncontested competitors should get some reasonable
feedback on their dancing other than a 1st.

Click Here for Interactive Online Judge Pad Demo

This online demostration will allow you to play with the interface for Finals, Semi-Finals and for Assessed scoring.
On small phones, the assessed gets truncated, but if you try it on a full computer, or a larger pad it will be fine.
This is really a single user site, so if it is acting a bit wonky, try again when someone else is not on.

Sample Pad Operations and helpful notes on the nook touch (if this is what is provided).

Note: Some people find their finger works better than the Stylus. Give it a try!